Wednesday, February 24, 2010

my :)


anyway, im 17th already! :)
wow ga kerasa uda 17 taon gue hidup di dunia ini. gue gatau berapa banyak kesenangan yang ada yang ud gue rasain.gue juga gatau uda brapa banyak kesedihan yang uda gue rasain juga. semua nyampur jadi 1. ketawa , nangis , cinta , 'hancur' , semuanyaaaaaaa :) gue bisa lalui sampe gue 17 ! :D
thx godd
gue berharap gue bisa menjadi yang lebii baikk :D:D:D

with my bestiest

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


anywayyy :)


its christmas time! waahh seneng bangeeettt gasabar 25 desemberrrr :):):):)

im hoping for DECEMBER MIRACLE

gilaaa hopee hopee hopee =D

di bulan ini Tuhan akan nambahin 1 taon agy umur gueee


woww!laura buatin gue puisi lhoo :)
ini gue copy dari blog diaa =D

Mutiara dalam kejauhan

aku beruntung telah mengenalmu
aku beruntung telah masuk ke kehidupanmu
aku tau aku bukanlah dia
yang engkau kagumi
aku juga tidak seperti dia yang mampu meluluhkan hatimu

izinkanlah aku untuk menjaga mutiara ini
di dalam hatimu..

walau aku tau
aku hanya akan bisa menatapmu
dari kejauhan..

disitu digambarin banget gue yg skarang cuma bisa mandang dia dari kejauan.ngerasa sakit waktu dia bersendagurau sama gebetannya. gue sakit banget banget banget sbenernya tapi gue berusaha untuk menerima :)
karna biar gimana pun sahabat adalah segalanya.dan gue akan jadiin co itu dan gebetannya *yg skrg shbt gue* untuk selamanya akan jadi sahabat gue! cause i love them! =D

Sunday, November 29, 2009

my feelin'

gue gatau perasaan apa ini ? gue gatau perasaan ini muncul dari mana dan dari kapan ? gue gatau apa awal mula gue bisa tertarik sama dia ? gue gatau sampe kapan gue bisa melewati semua nya ? gue gatau sampe kapan gue bisa menahan rasa sakit gue ?
gue gatau gue gatau gue gatau gue gatau DAN GUE GAMAO TAU

aduhh okey i think i like him ! dia yang bisa bikin gue senyum disaat gue down banget pas ditinggal sama 'sahabat' gue. *gue gatau apa dia bisa dibilang sahabat ato 'sahabat'*
dia yang ngenalin gue sama banyak hal baru
dia yang satu hobi sama gue
dia yang membuka mata gue kalo masi byk org yg sayang gue
dia yang sangat unik di mata gue
dia yang selalu menggila di depan gue
dia yang selalu jadi dia sendiri
dia dia diaaaa ......................

dan dia yang gaakan pernah tau perasaan gue skrg. betapa sakitnya gue skrg. tpi gue janjii akan ada slalu buat bantu luu yang lagii sukaa tmen guee HAHA gue dukung deh! lu b2 sangat gila pastii lucu klo jadii =D

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

dreaming with a broken heart

i love you but its not so easy to make you here with meeeee

itu yg akan gue lakukaan!huah wish me luck

Thursday, October 22, 2009


nixie , laura , md , bella want to PUSH OUR PERSONAL LIMIT!

tepat minggu lalu. gue baru pergi buat camp kepemimpinan PUSH YOUR PERSONAL LIMIT or we called PYPL

we started our camp at smak5 for about at 6 o'clock am. we ate HOKBEN *again* for our breakfast. after we heard the reflection in the morning *as always we do @smak5* , we went to our TRONTON *apasih inggrisnya?* to go to de'jungle :D


OH NO our tronton was over crowded! :( very hot there.hope you can imagine what did 35 students felt in a very small tronton huaaahh
we all hope that school can add more tronton when we go back from DE'JUNGLE tomorrow :)

after that, we arrived at DE'JUNGLE at 9 o'clock am. we must found our PIN and we must read the map that they gave to our groups.

the leader of my group was TORES . and the other was STELLA , JORDY , YOSE , CHRISTINE , BWK , STEPHANIE , and ME . when we found all of our PIN, we got a flag and read our map again where we could put our flag. and the pace was our BASE CAMP :)

WE FOUND IT and we was rank 3 :D

ko martin said that was a symbol of our first succesful ! YAY !

okey than we started our session . so bored , really! :(

skip that topics than go to our long night!

we do SOLO -ing. but it was rain :( so we cooked at our base camp.after that we do us say grouping.really.i didn't get the feel. we made a tent or we called BIVAK , then we sleep there.okay, the truth was i can't sleep bcos i was afraid there are a lot of PACET there :(

for about 1 o'clock in the morning, we came back to our big felt very very sleepyy :'(
and we must woke up at 7 o'clock in the morning aaaarrrrr i was very tired huaaaaww and started our OUTBOUND

there were 6 kinds of games.i liked 4 kinds of them and i didn't like the other 2 games.bcos it challenge me to love high place AARRRR i really hate that! :(

okay then we went home with 4 tronton and i sit in the front with angga.there was no space for us :( huuaaaww.

the next day, mm saturday i mean. my body was very sick!!! aawww i can't woke up from my bed ckck but, i can't lied! IT WAS A VERY FUN AND ENJOY CAMP ALSO TRIPP


let's PUSH our personal limit AGAIN. i loveeeeeeddddd it!

makassiii buat kesempatan yang sangat berharga yang gue dapett :D

teman lama

im happy for you my (ex) bestfriend :)